Rendering 3.jpg

Mini-Pilot Plant

A mini-pilot plant was designed by my Senior Interdisciplinary Team during our senior year at Bucknell University. The system has three main subsystems in order to facilitate Solution based Fractional Crystallization; (1) Crystallization Section (2) Filter & Rinse Section and (3) Re-circulation Section . The project consisted of initial proof of concepts, user requirement specifications, meticulous part design, various heat transfer calculations, mechanical design, electrical systems design, and much more. Overall, the team learned to work around each others strengths and weaknesses to bring to life a functional product for Corning Inc.

Initial Coil Design.jpg
Final Crystallizer Design.jpg
Shower Head.jpg
Frame 1.jpg
Frame 3.jpg
Frame 4.jpg
Frame 2.jpg
Control Panel.jpg
Cycle Screen.PNG
Control Screen.PNG